16 abril 2008

Anotações: Swamp Thing #70 e #74

Enviado a Greg Plantamura em dois momentos diferentes:


"First, let me compliment you on your Annotations for Swamp Thing. One cannot do it enough. Also, I should thank you for the help they provide.

"But then, may I contribute? I have found a minor detail in issue 70, page 22, panel 3. As Swamp Thing is forming, we can read the usual "shlep plep blup"sounds, but this time they are different and appear as "SHLOEL BSSTTE TTLBN". I do not know who "Shloel" is, but do you not recognize the other two names?...

"Once I found this tidbit, I felt I had to share it with you so you could choose whether or not to put it up. Thanks for bearing with me so far.

"Keep up the good work,

"João Paulo Cursino
"Recent fan of Moore and Veitch's Swamp Thing"

"Greetings. Me again.

"In your annotations for Swamp Thing #74, you mention that the cops in page 24 are the same as in #31, page20. Indeed. I realize that you have noticed what follows, but I thought you might like to make explicit mention to this: that #74, page 24, panels 4 to 7 are a precise mirror of #31, page 21, panels 1 to 4.

"Still using your annotations as reference,
"J.P. Cursino"

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